Pointing to God in All We Do!

Archive for May, 2013

Dear World


Dear World,

If I could write you a letter, and I had only today to write it, what would I say to you?

“It’s a mess, isn’t it? Humankind has really botched it, haven’t we?
I wonder what the original world was like when God created it. Was it peaceful, quiet, scenic? Did it have a place that was beyond the reach of human sin?

We could have done so many things right. We could have spent more time honoring God, the Almighty Creator. We could have written more honoring music, produced better worshipful TV shows, created more reflective art, and been more honoring with our bodies. We could have prayed more, worshipped more, studied more, and focused more. We could have loved better, and served better.

Instead we became selfish, arrogant, boastful, insulting, criminal, and hateful. We argue about the most frivolous things while our values and ideals get thrown to the curb. We pit brother against brother and search for reasons to bicker. We stand by while injustice prevails and are crippled by our fear – ultimately doing nothing. We work harder to preserve our names and reputations than we do to prepare our legacies.

Where is our joy? Our self-control, patience, or gentleness? What happened to our peace or faithfulness; our kindness, goodness or love? We have really messed it up. Charge us harshly, because we are guilty.
Enter the one and only Savior of the world. Do we know Him? I do. He is my advocate and my defense, without whom I would definitely be convicted. He claims me as His own, and rescues me from the prison sentence of eternal torture. I deserve all the ruin that comes with sin. I did nothing to justify being acquited, yet here I stand with a “Not Guilty” stamp on my record. Jesus Christ, my defender, my deliverer – He stands with me. I am His.

So there it is….the world is not what life is about. The planet, nor the people, nor the environment, nor the trivial little problems that surround it. The world is ONLY about having a place to live out the very salvation we so quickly claim (yet so poorly represent).

As the world culture changes, I pray to God that HIS PEOPLE will rise to the challenges it brings. Be strong, have courage. Be on fire and passionate about The Kingdom. Endure hardship and welcome it as a purifying opportunity. Search His Word and learn His Ways. Recognize God around you and TELL people about what God is doing.

It’s going to get harder. Don’t give up, because God wins. All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him. It’s coming! Praise God!!!

Me, Myself, and I


I love worship.  I love to sing, play an instrument, and meet with God.  What a privilege and honor to approach our Almighty Creator in such a way!

But worship songs drive me crazy.  We have a love-hate relationship, they and I.  It’s so great to spend time in worship by myself and lifting up the songs that touch my heart.  And I love to lift worship to our Lord as a full congregation of like-minded disciples.  But what I have trouble with is trying to find songs that work well for a community of believers worshiping together.

You know….Sunday morning.  Everyone is gathered, folks are ready to sing together and lift the name of the Lord high in praise.  And then it hits.  The singing begins and the first lyrics out of the mouths of those in attendance is “I” or “Me” or something else self-focused.  Consider, if you will:

  • I Surrender All (Public Domain)
  • I Have a Hope (Tommy Walker)
  • I Will Rise (Chris Tomlin)
  • Today is the Day (Lincoln Brewster)

This is not a recent problem.  Songs clearly reflect the culture in which they originated.  Peruse your nearby hymnal and you’ll find the same trend.  Listen to your local KLOVE radio station and you’ll hear it well.  We, as worship musicians, have done an impeccable job of focusing congregations on themselves.  This is truly a result of the American church training believers (for years and years) that the church is a consumer-driven, opinion-craving, satisfaction-guaranteed business.

Now, having said that, I feel the need to put myself in the song-writers’ shoes and consider it all.  Perhaps the lyrics are simply a representation of a personal encounter the writer experienced.  Maybe the words are designed to be sung in one’s prayer closet without other believers.  It could be that the writers are trying to help us focus on our personal relationship with God in a palpable and tangible way.  Perhaps.

However, the talent and ability of these writers is such that they could write songs intended for the gathering.  These writers are amazing artists and lyricists.  Why, then, is it so rare to find songs with “we” or “us” or “together” in them?  Sure, there are some.  Actually, as a worship leader, I work hard to find them.  Here are some I’ve discovered:

  • We Are (Kari Jobe)
  • Hosanna (Paul Baloche)
  • The Lord Our God (Passion)
  • Our God (ChrisTomlin)
  • This God He is Our God (Tommy Walker)
  • We Fall Down (Chris Tomlin)

So…do we give up?  Do we make a hard-fast rule that no worship gathering should include a song with “I” in the lyrics?  Certainly not.  In fact, the more diverse we are in lyrics, style, and selection the more apt we are to “strike a chord” (if you will) in the hearts of those present.    What we do is become intentional — more intentional than ever — to seek and select music that builds unity among the Body of Christ.  As the culture tries fervently to destroy Biblical values, and as our enemy tries ever harder to obliterate family and the church, we must be intentional in our efforts toward unity.

It is no mistake that unifying songs are few and far between.  It is no coincidence that as families are broken our songs turn inward.  It is no accident that as church doors are closing the worship artists are struggling to reach just one more heart.  This is not about the songs — it’s about the heart of worship.

Do you have any favorite songs for worship gatherings?  Any that drive you crazy?  Do you have a “pet-peeve” song that is popular but the lyrics just don’t work?  Feel free to share!